06 May 2007

a Greener Apple...?

Apple has long been praised for generating products with a sleek, clean, modern design...so why doesn’t its company follow suit with respect towards its generation of "iwaste." On May 2, 2007, a bit more recent than the Clinton era ;), Steve Jobs vowed to clean up Apple' act. Apple's website now boasts it Green Apple logo and a list of improvements that will be taking place with respect to lessen its impact. These reductions include the complete phase out of lead in their computers as well as other toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and hexavalent chromium. The E-waste from large computer and cell phone manufacturers is gigantic. In areas of countries like China and India, computer parts and wastes are dumped in open fills where their breakdown can be slow and release these heavy metal components into the soil and ground water which can have noxious effects on the surrounding populations. Apples has also stated that by the end of 2008, they will end the use of PVC and and BFR's (Brominated Fire Retardants)--both which upon incineration can release bromine and chlorine compounds into the air. The Apple site and well as Greenpeace have picked up on this initiative by Jobs and have great full coverage. Please Visit http://www.apple.com/hotnews/agreenerapple/ or http://www.greenpeace.org/apple/ for more information.

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