18 March 2007

Artificial Trees: A Good Solution?

Jumping back into our Monday discussion about greenhouse gases, I mentioned a website I had found that talked about artificial trees. I actually went back and found the website that was talking about these "trees" and the article did sound convincing to me. Although the name trees might be deceiving, these devices look more like windmills than actual trees. Apparently, these "trees" individually can remove 90,000 tons of CO2 per year, which is equivalent to emissions of CO2 by15,000 cars. That sounds pretty amazing to me, considering the largest contributor to CO2 emissions are cars themselves. I do want to mention that these "trees" aren't perfect, they do take energy to collect the CO2, but it would create a renewable source of CO2 for synthetic gasoline.

1 comment:

David De Haan said...

I vote that we paint them green.