21 February 2007

The Global Warming Debate.

As I was excited to finally start reading the chapter on global warming in our book, I began to think about the movie, An Inconvenient Truth (with Al Gore). I only watched the first half of the movie, and to be honest nothing he was saying was new to me. I could be biased on my opinion about the movie since I did not see how it ended, but I was a little bit disappointed. Yes Al Gore spit out a bunch of scary statistics, but I didn't think he really influenced people on how to change their act. Since, technically we cannot prove that global warming is caused by humans, what is our point in fighting it? Are we trying to make sure everyone knows the issue and how humans possibly are in danger? or rather are we trying to make a conscious effort to stop any affect we might have on the situation.

Personally, my standpoint on the whole global warming debate is that, the general public already knows that global warming, is essentially just that. I think that the focus of the media and the government should be focused on educating the general public on exactly how, as an individual, one can help the situation out. For example, in the movie Al Gore kept giving horrifying statistics and facts, but didn't really offer a way to connect a reaction that I think would be important to our main goal--to reduce greenhouse emissions. Whether or not the facts are exactly true or whether the predictions made by scientists are fully supported, there is the chemistry behind all of our daily processes that does go to show that their worries stem from something.

While I was looking online to find some of the opposing views to the Global Warming hype, I stumbled across this article written by Capitalism Magazine about how the public is forced into accepting the views that the scientists and media has due to the fact that no one will allow a public disclaimer about how the global warming hype might not be as important as we originally thought. It is very interesting to hear other sides to the story, especially from someone who is not a scientist and only a journalist, but those people are out there.

1 comment:

David De Haan said...

The link is http://www.capmag.com/articlePrint.asp?ID=4870.
Capitalism Magazine is dedicated to promoting unregulated capitalism. Their spin is pretty intense. As recently as December 2006, the date of this article, some Republican senators were still calling in climate change "sceptics" to testify before their committees and questioning the evidence collected by well-regarded scientists in the field showing that the earth's temperature is really increasing. Even President Bush has accepted this. Scientists know that no one on the left is telling them what to think.